You may recall my mentioning The Giving Quilt, Inc and a show they held at the St. Gabriel Community Center..... and asking for donation quilts to be on display and then handed over to the charity of your choosing. Well..... I arrived in St. Gabriel around 12:30 in the afternoon and met Candy Bergeron over by the rooms that were abuzz in activity. She showed me around and explained that here "lasagne" quilts were being constructed..... and prepared for future donation.
(These are "lasagne" quilts finished)
Here we have tables of machines and ladies whirring out pillowcases galore and you can see the ironing station in the background.
Everyone was invited to join in for however long you could and this drives home the point that many hands do indeed make for lighter work. But, it wasn't until I made my way into the large auditorium that the true magnitude of this was apparent.
There were hundreds of quilts. Hundreds. Here you see behind the people seated all the premmie quilts; there were over 150 of them alone!
You cannot believe how many quilts were hung for viewing for just one day! and then donated! It was amazing to see the quantity and then the quality of these beautiful quilts. It is a magnificent outpouring of love for strangers in need that propelled this endeavor.
The women who accepted the quilts for their various organizations were given an opportunity to tell who they represented and what they did and, truly, the need out there is great. For the sick, for the battered, for the elderly and infirm and for the smallest of us. Even for the animals.
Here, a Girl Scout group sewed comfort pads for animals in a local area shelter, Capital Area Animal Welfare Society.
So, in the wake of all these weather-related calamities across the States, here comes another call-out for donations...... if you have a stash of fabrics and want to "do something", make a quilt. Make pillow cases. Contact your local quilt shop and ask if they know a drop off point or contact The Giving Quilt, Inc. They'll get your quilt into good hands and believe me, these people do care.