Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Classes Coming Right Up!

We'd like to hear from you. What types of classes would you like to see us doing for the next few months? Do you like technique classes, where you learn a new technique but really don't come away with a finished project? Or do you like project classes, where you begin a specific project in class and then complete it at home? We are in the process of working on a new class schedule for the April, May and June quarter, and want some input from you. Please email the shop with any suggestions:
Your Bright Hopes Teachers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Bucket Pattern!

Check out our new stash of Buckets! Jayne has been very busy producing these great bucket covers. Come by and see how cute and easy they are to make.

More Baskets in Bloom

Here are the first three baskets put together with their Garden Lattice sashing.