Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler, Y'all!
We are now selling Shop Hop Passports!
Passports are $5.00 and include a $5.00 coupon for each participating Shop Hop store.

The coupon can be used for regularly-priced merchandise with a $25.00 purchase. Customers purchasing a passport are eligible to buy a 2013 Shop Hop Pin, (which are beautiful!), for $5.50.

Each participating shop will be selling their "quilt block" kit for $5.00. In addition, each shop will sell finishing kits for their individual quilt setting. As you hop, don't forget to look at each quilt. This year, all the block fabrics are identical and each setting is unique to each store.
Here is the Bright Hopes Quilting Quilt for 2013

Every shop has their own prize basket as well; this is ours!!
You won't believe the goodies we packed inside, valued at $250.00!

And when you drop your name in the tray, you will be in the running to win it. If you get your passport stamped in every shop, you are entered to win the Grand Prize, a rotating Tower to hold books, fabrics, notions, rulers, threads and has a dry-erase board and bulletin board. It's really cool!!

Here is a run-down of all the participating shops:
Bright Hopes Quilting in Mandeville, LA
Sew This! in Abita Springs, LA
Mama's Quilt Shop in Independence, LA
Mes Amis in New Orleans, LA
The Quilted Owl in Jefferson, LA (under the Huey P. Long Bridge)
Cottage Creations in St. Gabriel, LA
Fabric Krazy in Baton Rouge, LA
The Quilt Niche in Houma, LA
The Quilt Cupboard in Morgan City, LA
The Borne Quilter, Lafayette, LA
10 SHOPS, YA'LL!!!!
Shop Hop 2013 takes place over 2 weekends this year for the first time,
Friday and Saturday, August 9-10 and again,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 15, 16 and 17.
So, if you have never done a SHOP HOP, here are a few tips!
1. Bring a Friend. It's always more fun in pairs. Or teams!
2. Pace yourself. You have 5 days to hit every store so don't even THINK about getting to each one in a single day.
3. Have a plan. You can break down the distance by grouping the shops by location.
4. Stop for lunch somewhere fun and make it memorable.
5. Bring those adhesive return address labels you have thousands of and save time filling out the drawing cards. You get a chance to win the basket at every shop!! But only if your name is IN THE HAT!
6. Chocolate. Bring chocolate. If you don't eat them, you can always feed the shop staff!
7. Bring a camera...... you never know.
8. If you have a project that has hit a hard wall, this is the time to look for inspiration so bring swatches and a photo of it with you because you just might see something that will kick-start it again.
There's probably many many more hints and tips our there that I don't recall just now so if you have any, please leave us a comment!