Bright Hopes Quilting is very excited to announce that we have been chosen to host an up-coming seminar........ Stonehenge Event. ________________
On Tuesday, October 11, Vic Dadika will be bringing new samples from the Northcott Trunk Show using this fabulous line to add to our samples, which you may have already seen in the shop. Like this! (Georgia is about to finish the last border)
Stonehenge is the best-selling fabric in the country and Mr. Dadika is going to give us an insider's view of the design team, how the fabric is produced and explain about the Buying Process. Participants will even get a vote on some of the newest Northcott lines in the works!
We will offer two times on Tuesday, October 11; 2:00pm and again at 6:00pm. The presentation should last 90 minutes and we will have refreshments and door prizes!
Space is limited and pre-registration is required. The cost is $5.00 which you will get back in the form of a gift certificate to be used after the talk.
We have in stock a vast selection of this terrific fabric and pre-cuts in various color collections. We will also have the new Stonehenge "Chips" (5" charms squares) in 3 color ranges. |
Come be part of the excitement! Be sure to reserve your seat! 985-845-9554 |
Friday, September 30, 2011
STONEHENGE..... Come Join Us For An Event
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Our 8th ANNIVERSARY!!!!!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Interview with Georgia
I had always wanted to quilt. I grew up using quilts on my that my Great Aunt and fraternal Grandmother had made and loved looking at all of the fabrics they had used. I had made a couple small table toppers on my own, but really didn’t know the correct way to do them. I saw an advertisement for a new quilt guild in Slidell that had meetings in the evening, so I went and discovered the wonderful world of quilting. Think this was in the early 90’s I guess.
2. Do you still have your first quilt? No.
3. When did you arrive in St. Tammany Parish, and what brought you here?
I came to Louisiana in 1980 from Ohio/Pennsylvania. My Dad was from South Carolina and I had always hated the cold weather and wanted to live in the south. I had thought of Atlanta, Houston, or New Orleans, and decided on New Orleans because of the music, the wildlife, the water, and the small town atmosphere New Orleans has. Love it here!!

4. How long have you worked for Bright Hopes Quilting and what do you do there?
I think I’m starting my 4th year at Bright Hopes. I work with the customers, make some samples, help with the BOM’s.
5. You have been active in GSQA for many years…… what “hats have you worn” with them? For those who are unaware, can you tell the area readers a little about GSQA and what it does?
I have served as Circuit Teacher Chairperson and Seminar Director and been a member on the Teacher Selection Committee for GSQA. GSQA is a great organization. Promoting quilting is the main objective of the organization. We do this by offering quality teachers, informative programs, quilt shows and, of course, our Seminars. GSQA allows you to meet other quilters and learn from them. Because of GSQA I have taken classes from many national teachers that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do otherwise, and met hundreds of interesting people, some who have become great friends.
6. When thinking “SEMINAR”, do you have any tips or suggestions you’d like to pass on to students attending classes in Baton Rouge / and/or circuit classes?
Take as many classes that you can. Try something out of your comfort range, you just may find that you like that new technique. Every class you take you will learn something new, guaranteed.
7. Do you have a favorite fabric? Is there a technique in piecing that you won’t do? Do you have on your bed right now a quilt YOU made?
I have never met a Batik that I haven’t loved!! I don’t like curved piecing or Y seams, but have done them at least once. I’ll try anything. Yes, I have a scrappy New York Beauty quilt on my bed right now, and, once I get it quilted, will have the Washington Medallion quilt we had as a BOM a year ago on my bed. (After I enter it in the GSQA quilt show next June)
8. If your fairy quiltmother could grant you one wish, what would it be?
For everyone to have the chance to be exposed to quilting - for them to see all the different techniques that make up the quilting world and for them to find one that speaks to them. Quilting gives me peace and keeps me sane.
Back to me ( I love getting the last word, don't you?) Georgia and I work together on Thursdays. (I always know it's going to be a great day) and I love to hear her laugh! It's like music! She and Mona worked together on the beautiful Rose of Sharon applique BOM
and recently completed this:

Interview with Carolyn Burga
Senior year at Newcomb College, my mother panicked because I had not made a trousseau quilt. I couldn’t imagine piecing anything, so she set me to making a whole-cloth cross-stitched quilt by hand.
2. Do you still have your first quilt?
No, but I still have the first one I designed. And my mom’s 1938 hand-quilted bubble-gum pink quilt.
3. When did you arrive in St. Tammany Parish, and what brought you here?
We came in 1998 when my husband was transferred from a south shore bank.
4. How long have you worked for Bright Hopes Quilting and what do you do there?
I’ve worked here about 3 years part-time. I cut fabric on Tuesdays and teach classes once or twice each month.
5. Here is the other “stealth stitcher” in our family….. Carolyn will show up with a new sample and I never knew the pattern existed! How do you find things and from where do you draw your inspiration?
I find things by tripping over stuff, usually in my sketchbooks. (sometimes on the studio floor)
6. Your “art quilts” and canvas are very personal. Do you think of yourself more as a quilter or as a fiber artist? (Or do you even make that distinction at all?)

As I make “originals”, I see myself as a fiber artist. When I tell people that, some think I make art from healthy cereals. It’s easier to just say “quilter”.
7. Do you have a space dedicated to your work? Would you have any tips you’d like to pass on in “organizing your space?”
I am blessed with a studio – AKA spare bedroom, no bed. You just need a table to leave our machine out and a design wall nearby. Put everything else away.
Or see Answer #5.
8. If your fairy quiltmother could grant you one wish, what would it be?
I’d love floor-to-ceiling shelving so all my fabric could be visible all the time.
So, back to me...... Carolyn's work is intimate and the quality shows in the detail. Here are 2 small close-up shots of "points" in her work.