I have been away from blogging duties lately and have returned to play catch-up. But if you have been receiving our weekly emails, you should be up to snuff on all the happenings at Bright Hopes Quilting.
Next Saturday, June 12, 11:00-1:00, Kathy Brown of Teacher’s Pet will be here for a book signing of her new book, Take 5 Quilts From Just 5 Fabrics. Kathy will also be bringing a trunk show of quilts from the new book. We already have a super sample from the book, thanks to Linda Kay Butz!
And last weekend, Linda Kay held her two-day class for the chubby Charmer and you can see the delightful results below

Every tote I have seen made up is so fun and whimsical. Did I mention roomy? And they showcase such a variety of fabrics.
The Gulf States Quilting Association is hosting their quilt show in Slidell June 18, 19 and 20. I have heard that there will be around 300 quilts on display for your viewing pleasure and inspiration. Bright Hopes Quilting will have a booth set up as well and we hope to see you there. Don't forget to buy a raffle ticket for the GSQA quilt. It is BEAUTIFUL! For more information straight from GSQA,
go here.
As June has only just begun, I have embedded the calendar below to remind everyone of our up-coming classes. If you see something you might like to join, give us a call to check space availablity: 985-845-9554
Show allWe are working up a new schedule of classes and will up-date the calendar shortly.
Meanwhile, fabrics and books and notions just keep pouring in at the shop. We received a shipment of fun Halloween fabrics yesterday afternoon and I can only reveal that we are stocking some Christmas fabric that will definitely make you start humming "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!" in July. When they hit the shelves, I'll post the lines right here.
Stephanie Walters is the winner of our May Gift Certificate. Congratulations! and don't forget to fill out the entry form when you check-out at the counter.
Did you catch the
article in last weekend's Times Picayune by Judy Walker? It featured our very Mary Green, teacher of embellishments, machine quilting and all things Art Quilt. Judy gives fine examples of organizing your personal creative spaces.
To leave you, I will mention our Lollipop Challenge which isn't really a challenge as much as a permission to do something totally frivolous for a change. Pick up a packet of charms at the counter and create ANYTHING that comes to mind when you think of Lollipops. Bring it in and we'll add it to our display and you will be entered into a drawing for a Gift Certificate.
National Lollipop Day is July 20 and I kid you not. (would I kid you?)(c'mon!)