It's almost 2009. Remember all the fuss leading up to the "Millenium" and the Y2K bugs that were gonna wipe out electronic information? Remember hearing about stocking up on Gas, Food and Water because we didn't know what Jan 1, 2000 would do to our "way of life"?
That was 9 years ago.
Can it really be that long ago? Look how far we've come since then.
Bright Hopes is 5 years old! I can't believe it's been 5 years since Pearl opened the door for the first time. 5 years! My oldest was still in high school and now she's out of college for a whole year herself. My mother was still alive. I'd only been married 20 years, and I wasn't carting around an extra 20 pounds back then either! (that's on my list to tackle this year...)
5 Years. And now we're well into our 6th. It's going to be a great year! I so look forward to every day of it.
I can't close this one out without saying this: Thank you for all of your support: emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, you name it! CREATIVE! Ya'll are a powerful force in my life. I look forward to going to work. It isn't really work when you love love love what you do.
Pearl took me out of my "comfort zone" as she called it all those years ago and she does it even today and I thank you for it. Thanks for teaching me to be a better sewer (english is such a strange language) and encouraging me to machine quilt. and Blog. and taking me to Market. I am so out of my "Zone" thanks to you.
To the Gals I work and play with it: I love you all. It's so cool to have so many sisters! I thought I had only one. The hours seem so short at work & Sharp Needles and thank you for not going nuts over my endless whinging about being hungry before it's even 11:00 am. (or at the very least, if you ARE nuts, thanks for not showing it!)
To the Troops and Regulars: I can't tell you how much I look forward to the days y'all pop in. Your collective enthusiam and creative spirit make me want to either flee home and get behind the machine or slip into your cars and go home with you. I also can't tell you how mortified I feel when I can't remember names. It's NOT you, it's me. I look over the kitchen counter and ask my husband what his name is! "Who are you again?"
Which brings me to men. It's a heckuva quilt shop to be in when a guy doesn't bolt out in terror upon hearing a gleeful voice exclaim: "There's a MAN in here!" Bob, you're awesome! And John, (see I remembered!) thank you for fanning the flames.
And I have to mention this to the fine fine ladies who braved the freak snowstorm of Dec here in Southeast Louisiana. You know who you are! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These intrepid souls came through one heck of a blizzard (by OUR standards) to deliver Christmas Cookies. OK, ladies, now that you've set the precedence, I'll be anticipating bags of goodies again next year! They were delicious and so unexpected.
And that sums up my time here at Bright Hopes! Delicious and Unexpected. Who could ask for anything more?
Is it lunch yet?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Speaking of Classes......
Starting in February, we are going to offer classes for "Beginners" that are one-day classes that make simple quilts and projects.... Like Take 5. And placemats using Charm Packs.
The idea is to get those of you who are interested but, well shall we say, wary of this thing, this obsession we call "quilting" a chance to tip your toe in the cool exhilarating waters of our world.
So if you know someone who fits this description and think this might be of interest to them, pass it on. Or take it with them to encourage them as they go. Some of the best times I spend is what I call Tag-Team piecing. You know, when you and a friend (or four) take turns ironing and handing the pieces to the ones behind the sewing machines..... it's AMAZING how fast quilttops get done this way!
The idea is to get those of you who are interested but, well shall we say, wary of this thing, this obsession we call "quilting" a chance to tip your toe in the cool exhilarating waters of our world.
So if you know someone who fits this description and think this might be of interest to them, pass it on. Or take it with them to encourage them as they go. Some of the best times I spend is what I call Tag-Team piecing. You know, when you and a friend (or four) take turns ironing and handing the pieces to the ones behind the sewing machines..... it's AMAZING how fast quilttops get done this way!
Calendar of Classes - January
By now, you should have received our latest email containing the calendar of events and a breakdown of classes for the next three months. I have been trying to figure out how to post this in a user-friendly manner on this blog but so far...... I'm coming up a little short on data.
So in the interest of, well, interest itself, here's a quick run-down:
Jan 5 If you are doing the Jamestown BOM, we will discuss the use of Marti Michell templates; these making cutting out the fabric a breeze.
Jan 9 My True Love Applique
Jan 10 Beginning Quilting Placemats
Jan 12 Wreath
Jan 15 Market Tote
Jan 16 Judy Neimeyer
Jan 17, 24, 30 Beginning Quilting
Jan 22 Jungle Animals
Jan 26 Free Motion Quilting
For more information and availability of class space, please give us a call
985 845-9554
So in the interest of, well, interest itself, here's a quick run-down:
Jan 5 If you are doing the Jamestown BOM, we will discuss the use of Marti Michell templates; these making cutting out the fabric a breeze.
Jan 9 My True Love Applique
Jan 10 Beginning Quilting Placemats
Jan 12 Wreath
Jan 15 Market Tote
Jan 16 Judy Neimeyer
Jan 17, 24, 30 Beginning Quilting
Jan 22 Jungle Animals
Jan 26 Free Motion Quilting
For more information and availability of class space, please give us a call
985 845-9554
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Second Blog
Well, I don't know about you, but we're seizing this new Year with both hands and hit the ground running with a New Blog!!!!! Quilts for Sale BHQ
As most of you regulars to the shop are aware, we go through an enormous number of shop samples, to show off new fabric lines and patterns or even old favorites, like Just Can't Cut It. But once the fabric is no longer available or we make a new sample, the older ones are rotated to the back room. And I can't tell you how often we are asked about finished quilts for sale.
OK, OK we get the hint! Our latest goal is to make available for purchase our quilts and in this effort we will be writing more information on individual postings at the new blog, Quilts for Sale BHQ.
As the months progress, we will quilt more of our top-quilts and making them available as well so this is going to be a WIP itself.
In addition to the finished quilts, we will also post about past BOMs that we have kitted and bundled into one purchase for the full year. These are few and once they have sold, will not be repeated.
Please wander over and take a look. If you happen to see to quilt DESIGN you like and can't place the name, we can hook you with that as well. There really is nothing like a beautiful use of fabric on a great pattern.
As most of you regulars to the shop are aware, we go through an enormous number of shop samples, to show off new fabric lines and patterns or even old favorites, like Just Can't Cut It. But once the fabric is no longer available or we make a new sample, the older ones are rotated to the back room. And I can't tell you how often we are asked about finished quilts for sale.
OK, OK we get the hint! Our latest goal is to make available for purchase our quilts and in this effort we will be writing more information on individual postings at the new blog, Quilts for Sale BHQ.
As the months progress, we will quilt more of our top-quilts and making them available as well so this is going to be a WIP itself.
In addition to the finished quilts, we will also post about past BOMs that we have kitted and bundled into one purchase for the full year. These are few and once they have sold, will not be repeated.
Please wander over and take a look. If you happen to see to quilt DESIGN you like and can't place the name, we can hook you with that as well. There really is nothing like a beautiful use of fabric on a great pattern.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Placemat Product
Are you a placemat user? Do you love place mats but hate how much room they take up in storage?

Would you believe what you are looking at is a placemat that has four sides?
Well it is!
And we can show you the way. Just in.... a pattern to make this and a class being offered in March by Celeste.

Would you believe what you are looking at is a placemat that has four sides?

And we can show you the way. Just in.... a pattern to make this and a class being offered in March by Celeste.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Those Quilts For Sale
Just thought I might post a few photos of some of the quilts we are letting go.
It's so much more fun to shop in pajamas with a cup of coffee...... browsing as it were. I'll update this shortly to add the size and price of each of these but without further ado:
Here is Sawtooth Stars. It made with Kaffe Fassett fabrics and is a lap size quilt.
Medallion. 64" x 64" This is a very elegant gold/green/red quilt
Crayon. This is a sweet little lap quilt that would make a terrific take-to-daycare blanket for nap-time for a child.
Bento Box. Dramatic Black and Red with an Asian feel.
A Christmas quilt with bright green and red. Cheerful small lap.
Snowball & 9-patch. The fabrics used in this one don't read well in the photo. Must be seen to be truly appreciated.
So there you have it for now. I'll post new For Sale quilts as we complete them. Thanks for looking.
It's so much more fun to shop in pajamas with a cup of coffee...... browsing as it were. I'll update this shortly to add the size and price of each of these but without further ado:

So there you have it for now. I'll post new For Sale quilts as we complete them. Thanks for looking.
Quilts For Sale
Here's a project that has been on the back-burner but always in the front of our minds for a long while.
Pearl has set up two displays for our quilt samples. We have quite a few for sale now and more on the way. Some are totally complete: down to the binding and others are topquilt only, ready for you to quilt and bind to your own needs.
There are many sizes, from baby to queen and as you can see in the photos, lots of fabric styles. Asians, juvenile, Christmas, brights, Nancy Halverson, Blue-Gold and Kaffe Fassett.
If you are looking to give a quilt for Christmas and have run out of time to make one, there's still time to snap a couple up before the holidays.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Schlepping Bag

We had a request to give some information about this new pattern, the Schlepping Bag, a tote large enough to carry an 18 x 24" cutting mat and 24" ruler. As you can see, it's an attractive and sturdy carry-all and the instructions include a zippered pouch for additional tools, like a rotary cutter. Very handy.
Now, full disclosure, the pattern does call for 54" fabric which is harder to come by in a quilt shop but also mentions on the back of the pattern that this can be pieced. As a quilt shop, we of course suggest that you piece it!!!! or make a quilt block for the center or you can always use backing or upholstery fabric.
Keep your tools safe from damage while schlepping them to classes in this neat bag with a great name.
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Very Happy Site

If you've ever been at the Shop when the UPS guy drops in, you know how we react. If there's but one measly package in his hands, we order him back out to the truck to find the missing boxes. Surely there MUST be more he overlooked.
Now that it's a few months past Market, we always expect big shipments to arrive and on this day we got TWO UPSmen, and several boxes between the two. They like getting a good response from us as well.
Ruler Rack

We saw these terrific racks at Market and they finally arrived last week. As you can see, here you have a place to stow all your rulers neatly and in one spot. There's even room in the middle section (you can't really see this in the photo) to slide really wide rulers. Up and out of the way of your cutting and ready at hand.
$34.99 and makes a nice gift. (Not exactly a stocking stuffer......alittle too big for that!)
(after further reflection.....) Hey! Let's make bigger STOCKINGS!!!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
New Fabric Lines Just In
Here we have McKenna Ryan and Jane Sassaman.
The very first entry on this blog showed a wallhanging by Jane Sassaman that was at the show itself and here now is the fabric line, Prairie Gothic.
McKenna Ryan adds to her collection (as do we) with beautiful purples and deep greens. If you already have been eyeing this lovely fabric, come see the actual bolts. There is no way to do justice by showing small squares, you really don't get the full grasp of either. They are full WOF prints with large repeats.
Yes, we are working on ideas for samples.
UPDATE Pearl is hard at work on the sample for the Jane Sassaman line and is using Kaffe Fassett fabrics as a companion to this. We really like the way it's shaping up. Check back in a few days to see the final results in a new post.
Market Tote
If you look to the left at the top of the Blog page, you will see a new feature: Up-Coming Classes and there you will discover that Linda Kay is going to teach this tote in mid January.
Those of you who have taken classes with Linda Kay know how fun this is and the satisfaction of walking out the door with a finished or VERY near finished project. What gets better than that?
This roomy Market Tote is the latest in a large selection of totes that Linda Kay has sampled for the shop and is made up of Charm Pack squares (though you can always cut up your own 5" squares)
Warning! Linda Kay's classes fill up fast.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Two Hour Tulip Purse
Alright you crafty things out there;
if you're looking for a gift to make, particularly for a young relative..... here's a new purse pattern we just got in and Jayne knocked out a sample in no time flat.
We have so many great fabric lines in stock to make this purse out off as well, Think Amy Butler. Or Kaffe Fassett!
It's young and fresh and trendy. Perfect for teenagers. Or if I think about it...... why not in Asians for a more elegant night bag?
We're hoping Jayne will schedule a class in it for the next newletter. That's another WIP. (work in progress)
This is the newest sample of a BOM we will be starting at Bright Hopes Quilting. It measures 65 x 65" and is made up entirely of batiks (I guess you can guess who made the sample!) with one small area in Winter that has Handspray.
It isn't difficult and can be either machine appliqued as I have done or turned under in any convention applique technique. There's a lot of Q's in quilting, huh?
If you are interested in joining this Block of the Month, please give us a call or stop to get the final info regarding price and pickup dates..... I think it will begin in January.
I'll be taking it down off display sometime in Feb to quilt it.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hot Ribbon
Hot Ribbon . This gorgeous flower has been created by Mary Green and is the basis of a class she is offering.
Sadly both scheduled classes are booked up but I wanted y'all to see this as it's so beautiful. And a really neat technique.
We met the lady , Lennie Honcoop, who created the patterns and samples for this techinique at Market and she was as lovely as her flowers.

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